
How to Build New Habits by Taking Advantage of Old Ones.

Habit formation is an essential task. Forming new habits makes physical and mental activities efficient. It is not easy for anyone to form new habits with old habits. But it is possible by following some rules. For the past while, I’ve been trying to add new habits to my current ones. I am 

Find the “habit stacking” method. Involves attaching new habits to existing habits. What I followed in this-

Step 1: Identifying current Habit

First let me identify some of my current habits. For example: waking up in the morning reading cognitive books as well as reading some comedy books, having a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, spending some time with friends in the afternoon were my daily habits. Also watering the garden every day and tending to the trees was a routine I never missed. It became a part of my life. I knew these would play the perfect role in creating a new habit.

Step 2: Decision to form new habit

I knew that it is not possible to form new habits by discarding old habits. Old habits have to be made into new habits. So I choose new habits in my daily routine. I’ve been meaning to start journaling for the past few days as a way to mentally create a new habit. So I chose journaling.Every morning along with reading books I would research journaling for ten minutes. At first it was ten minutes. Gradually I started to increase the time. I started doing more research on this topic. At first this stood out as a source of annoyance to me.  But in transition it becomes easier for me.

Step 3: Stack the New Habit

I realized that new habits require more practice. So they need to be connected. After morning tea I will manage journaling for five minutes. At the same time, I will reduce the time of gardening and practice it there. Chatting with friends will give a specific time. After chatting, I will journal again for 10 minutes.Thus linking these new habits to existing habits will speed it up. I set up a designated space for journaling at my reading table. Due to which these tasks have become easier.

Step 4: Make it Specific

 I was clear about my plan.

That’s why I used to do the scheduled times for new habits. For example: reading a book in the morning, researching it, or practicing it after coffee, etc. First there was some disruption. It was seen that I could not do it in time.But when it started to be included in the daily routine. Then it became my old routine. This clarity and effort made me stick to my plan. Such efforts have increased my skills, strength. It inspires me to do good things.

Step 5: Track Your Progress

Now I started using habit trackers to track my efforts. For example, I used to see what I was doing, whether I was doing the regular tasks properly. I would keep track of my progress from my practice. Also if there is any error. If it was wrong, I would try to fix it. Tracked my progress. It gives me a sense of accomplishment as I keep track of my progress. Also motivated me to continue this trend.

Step 6: Be Patient and Persistent

It took me a lot of patience to form new habits. No habit can be changed as quickly. It is also difficult to form the same. It becomes normal with time but it is very difficult at first. Patience is also associated with diligence. At times when I missed journaling practice or when I found it boring, I persevered.This patience encouraged me. Refocused me on achieving my goals. I used to start again with my target pooja where the missings happened. Thus this work became important for me.

Results and Reflection 

Over time, this new habit became a normal part of my morning and afternoon routine. It taught me journaling. State level reduced me. Also noticed a significant change in the overall case. This journey has taught me that small consistent changes can lead to significant improvements. As I look back at the beginning of my journey, this choice was very important to me. 

I am grateful for that. It has not only benefited me but has led me towards bigger goals by diligently accomplishing small goals.

Whenever you form a new habit, the new habit will be connected little by little to the old habits. In this case you can follow the same steps as mine. “I will read more” “I will eat better”

Habit formation is not possible with these ambiguous cues. Plan specifically and clearly. The stronger your plan to form new habits, the faster you can reach your goals.



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